Lila Hopkins
Readers Write
Master Craftsman - Chapter One
Weave Me a Song -- Chapter One
Strike a Golden Chord -- Chapter One
Readers Write
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I sat down to read "Weave Me A Song" leisurely but guess what? I read it from cover to cover before I closed my eyes well after midnight.
-- Dr. Evelyn Lewis, retired university professor., Phoenix, Arizona

You are an historian and ethnographer. You wrote so we could hear G.G. and others speak. I even got out a map to see where you are.
-- Patsy Liclan, Wycliff Bible Translator, Peru, South America

I couldn't put it down until I had read to the last page, and then had to re-read the last page, because I couldnt believe it was over.
-- Carolyn Howser, Blowing Rock, North Carolina

Mrs. Hopkins characters do not preach so much as live their author's ideals. Mrs. Hopkins style is smooth and graceful.
-- Schuyler Kaufman, in Carolina Mountain Living

 Your book shows your affection and warmth for the mountain people.
-- Faith Lacey, Newland, North Carolina

Loved your characters, especially the feisty Gram.
-- Ellen Wightman, Miami, Florida

I am reading "Weave Me A Song" and am enraptured.
-- Joyce Russell, Richmond, Virginia

Oh, how I love "Weave Me A Song!" How I admire a writer who can develop a believable contemporary plot in a setting of this region. You have captured not only information about traditional crafts, more importantly, you've captured traditional values, and the morals of our local people.
-- Catherin Bare, Boone, North Carolina

I treasure "Weave Me A Song." As a fellow artist, I know how hard it is to "show" your work. One's art is, in many ways, an extension of the soul and the psyche and you always run the terrible risk of rejection. You have done well with this story.
-- Carolyn Chester, Linville, North Carolina

The book is spectacular. I don't recall ever seeing a good novel illustrated by the author. What an achievement.
-- Sherie Dye, Juneau, Alaska

Our friends won't believe we are close friends of such an author. Such an honor!
-- Richard Beal. Caracus, Venezuela